November 7th, 2021

SOULFest DC Presenters



Flow Yoga Center
Corinna Moon Loomis

Megan Glover - Woodley Park
Megan Glover
Woodley Park Yoga

Jarrick Browner

SOULfest DC presenter - Stacee Finkelstein
Stacee Finkelstein

Jennifer Grubba
Nikki Walker
Three and a Half Acres Yoga
THAY teacher - Safara

Safara Fisher
Three and a Half Acres Yoga



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Presenting Sponsor


Three and a
Half Acres Yoga



Tenon Tours


Producing Sponsors

Land Yoga

YOGA♥ Magazine


Sunday, Nov 7th

8:00 AM – Reginald Hubbard

  • SOULFull Hatha with Reggie Hubbard Join us as we move together for this morning session that merges WISDOM, PEACE, BREATH and PATIENCE and join together in community. All levels welcome.

9:00 AM – Jennifer Grubba

  • Tennon Tours and Blue Lotus Yoga Retreats present:Bhakti FlowBhakti is a Sanskrit word broadly translated to mean love or devotion. We will engage in devotion in motion (asana) to celebrate our interconnectedness, open and awaken our hearts, and deepen our connection to Spirit.This class will incorporate a brief vinyasa flow with an emphasis on heart openers, mudras, and chanting. Lifting our voices together, we will explore the power of our words and universal love.

10:00 AM – Local Studio, Flow Yoga Center

  • Slow Flow with Tarot led by Corinna Moon LoomisA fluid meditative flow where we will experience slow-flowing sequences at an intentionally unhurried (but steady) pace to reconnect with your breath and healthy natural rhythms. We will incorporate tarot cards for reflection and mindful pauses along the way as a way to tap into personal inner exploration.

11:00 AM – Stacee Finkelstein

  • Energetic Flow, Reiki infused yoga classYoga and Reiki can be used in conjunction with one another to experience ultimate transformation. Yoga can be likened to peeling away the layers of an onion. As each layer sheds, more and more unravels about the self. The process can be both empowering and a little scary. Both Reiki and yoga help awaken and unblock your life force energy, so you can just imagine the results when you put the two together. Using Reiki on targeted areas while holding and breathing through yoga poses that target those same areas has the power to create a potent surge of prana that can veritably catapult your mind, body and spirit to a more enlightened and invigorating plane.

12:00 PM – Faith Hunter

  • Spiritually Fly: Wisdom, Meditation and YogaRooted in Faith’s life philosophy, this one-of-a-kind session creatively sprinkles golden drops of wisdom, meditation, yoga postures, breathwork, mudras, mantras, and soul stirring music into an unforgettable experience. The practice will give you the freedom to uncover deep emotions, joyous laughter, pulsating ecstasy, and at each step you will find your way into the flow of your natural self. Starting with a brief reading from her book, highlighting the Spiritually Fly Life Sutras, Faith will eloquently merge these principles into storytelling as you move with ease, fire up your soul through kriyas, drop into the depths of hips with delicious restorative, and soften your heart with meditation. Coated in transformational intention, you will be nourished by the divine and connect to your “spiritually fly” self.

1:00 PM – Local Studio: Woodley Park

  • Elevating everyBody with Megan GloverThis guided meditation class will begin with HeartMath’s® Quick Coherence® technique to balance the Heart-Brain connection and center our collective attention. An inquiry will be presented to set the tone of intention and focus for the meditation. The meditation will be guided with emphasis on refining awareness around the emotional, physical and mental nature. Combining modalities of active imagination, breathing and emotional intelligence you will begin to build capacity of self-regulation and self-awareness by shifting into more calming, stress-reducing states such as ease, love and peace, on purpose.

2:00 PM – Three and a Half Acres

  • Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training Session with Nikki Walker & Safara FisherAre you a yogi who wants to give back, help others in need and change the world? Learn more about Three and a Half Acres' trauma-informed yoga teacher training and how to bring yoga to underserved and marginalized individuals and communities. Lead trainer, Lara Land, and THAY teacher Nikki Walker will speak about working with trauma-specific populations, what to expect, and answer all the questions you may have to see if a trauma-informed yoga training is right for you.

3:00 PM – Jarrick Browner

  • SIFT & FlowSIFT is a system to clear out your MindSpace. It's an acronym that stands for Sensations, Images, Feelings and Thoughts. We create a point of focus, let's say our breath and notice how our attention and awareness shift from one SIFT to the next and how we pull ourselves back into focus, back into alignment with Self. We'll meditate, breathe and move into spaces, places we didn't know possible. Leaving with a sense of grounding and relaxation and purpose moving forward.

5:00 PM – Yoga Alliance Community Conversations

  • Non-Duality & Fluidity: Yoga and Gender Justice In a world that genders nearly everything around us, yoga and wellness communities have an opportunity to create spaces that do not replicate narrow and socially constructed gender norms. This panel hosts a conversation between queer and trans yoga professionals with expansive knowledge in intersectional social justice, healing for marginalized people, and community resilience/resistance. Together, we will explore various ways that yoga philosophy and practice can be used to question and dismantle the gender binary. Thoughtful listeners can upgrade their understanding of affirming spaces for Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people. Dr. Tobias Wiggins will serve as the panel facilitator.


We are so excited to be in the planning stages
and want to make the SOULFEST BIGGER & BETTER.

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